Biotect Biocide Additive

Biotect is a secondary treatment broad spectrum biocide / fungicide fluid for use in self-contained or centralised water based coolant systems and machine tools using soluble cutting oils. Used to control bacterial and fungal infections and to prolong the life of water based metalworking fluids. It helps to reduce objectionable odours emitted by metalworking fluids suffering from bacterial contamination whilst not affecting the stability and performance of the fluid. It can be used whilst the machine is in operation and thus there is no loss of production time. The product may be used at a low level to control bacteria on a regular basis in systems which are known to suffer problems, it may also be used at a higher dose to sterilise a system. Erratic use of uncontrolled quantities of Biotect is not recommended.


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Features & Applications

  • Suitable as an in use treatment therefore no loss of production

  • Helps to control bacterial infections and stabililise soluble oil emulsions

  • Prolongs the life of soluble oil emulsions

  • Reduces objectionable odours improving the working environment


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