PROCARE Coolant Test Kit 1

From £81.60

Our PROCARE Coolant Test Kit 1 includes everything you need to get started with testing the pH and dilution of your metalworking fluid.


Your coolant monitoring carry case includes a hand refractometer, which is a handheld, lightweight, portable instrument used to determine the concentration of water soluble fluids such as machine tool coolants and heat treatment fluids.


You will also receive a temperature and total dissolved solids meter, as well as box of 100 pH test strips. The pH strips will enable you to easily determine the pH of your coolant. They are easy to use and results are visible in seconds, each pack comes with a colour chart for precise readings.


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Features & Applications

  • A PROCARE Coolant Testing Carry Case to store your kit

  • A Hand Refractometer to check coolant dilution rates

  • Includes 1 x box of pH Test Sticks - 7-14 pH (contains 100 sticks)

  • Temperature & Total Dissolved Solids Meter

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